Timely and Awesome
Edapi News and Articles


October 15, 2018 0

ECUMENISM FOR DEVELOPMENT & PEACE INITIATIVE (EDAPI) is the project or brain child of the directorate of ecumenism of the Nigeria Baptist Convention under the leadership of His eminence Rev. Dr. Supo Ayokunle. Edapi is an interdenominational organization and it’s been established to build Inter-faith relationships. Edapi was registered as an NGO with the Corporate Affairs Commission at FGN-CAC/IT/Number 96590 of 2017 in Nigeria

Edapi as an NGO has been established so the Nigerian Baptist Convention can be fully involved in impacting the lives of the people not just spiritually but economically, socially and politically; to earnestly transform the lives of the people through education by organising developments and empowerment programmes, seminars, conferences, workshops etc. Edapi in partnerships with the Bowen University, Iwo and Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, organised a National Civil Leadership Summit themed “Transformational Leadership” from July 24th – July 26th which was held at Bowen University. Several other summits would be coming up from time to time to prepare the people and arm them with the necessary tools to be successful in leadership positions.


Becoming a foremost godly organization protecting the interests of the disadvantaged for the actualization of their full potential.


To improve the well-being and rights of the masses through equipping, peace building, discipline and networking without any form of discrimination.


  • Equity and Justice
  • Team Work
  • Accountability
  • Commitment
  • Effective Communication
  • Peace Building
  • Service to Humanity


  • Sensitize and equip the grassroots religious actors towards achieving peace and developments.
  • Mobilise and create strategic drive to strengthen alliance against violence extremism across age groups; youths in particular and community/religious leaders as a whole.
  • Facilitate peaceful coexistence and harmonious relationship through synergy and dialogue.
  • To strengthen and assist the needy and less privileged in our society.
  • To network with and to cooperate with other development partners in order to engender sustainable development.


The campaigns of EDAPI is to help build the society by eradicating the ills and providing solutions to the challenges or problems in the society by empowering the people, building Inter-faith relationships, community mobilization, peace work, reconciliation, Research, etc. amongst other things. The campaigns of EDAPI are listed below.

  • Civil Leadership Training Summit: The goal of this is to be a world class civil center by organizing civil leadership Summit all over the regions of Nigeria and beyond. Currently the summits are categorised thus: National Civil Leadership Summit, National Youth Civil Leadership Summit, and Civil Leadership Summit for Grassroots etc.
  • Food Security Project:  To create an enabling environment that may facilitate secured and healthy relationship between the community, farmers, and investors, networking, toward promoting agricultural and food security.
  • Youth Development and Empowerment: The challenges facing the youths and women in this nation is at an alarming rate which is also affecting the church. EDAPI will be empowering the youths and women in this country through skills acquisition, ICT development and trainings, entrepreneurship trainings and Graduate Assisted Project (GAP)
  • Monarchs Empowerment Ministry: It’s been rightly observed that there’s need to empower the monarchs due to the peculiar challenges they are faced with in this contemporary time and EDAPI has thought it well meet this needs by establishing a ministry for all the Traditional Rulers which would be both Intra & interfaith programmes. A programme under this ministry is “Interfaith Monarchs for Peace and Security Initiative”.
  • Community Service and Rural Developments: We live within a community and there is need to contribute to the growth and development of the community. Essentially EDAPI seeks to focus on the development of the rural areas socially, economically and in other areas in the future. EDAPI hopes to provide potable water project, ecological stewardship, empowering farmers, artisans, etc., agro business (trainings, partnership and loans), and climate change (environmental pollution reduction, etc.).
  • Advocacy on National and Social Concerns: EDAPI fights for human rights, ensures Justice and peace reigns, tackles unemployment, supports orphanages, supports the IDPs, etc.
  • Chaplaincy Training and Services: We need to train and equip Baptist pastors inconjuction with our theological schools to serve in schools and colleges, armed forces and paramilitary forces, chapels etc.
  • Gerontology Ministry: Retirement or clocking 70 years doesn’t mean one cannot make meaningful contribution. Dreams can still be achieved at 70 as there’s plenty to live for.  This ministry is to help the elders or the aged in fulfilling destiny even at old age. The programme under this is “Retirees’ millennium age summit” which will be organised from time to time. Life continues at 70.
  • Political Education Seminar and Election Integrity: The situation in the country has created a need for Christian involvement in the political space of this nation Nigeria. EDAPI plans to organise political education seminar and Election Integrity campaigns to equip and encourage Christian participation in the politics of Nigeria.
  • Networking: EDAPI will create a networking platform for people of different faiths and beliefs to come together and work for a common goal which is to maintain peace and unity in the nation. EDAPI is also open to partnerships with relevant organizations, NGOs in achieving the set goals.
  • Research and Data Base: EDAPI will be promoting and sponsoring academic research in different fields like medical, engineering, theology, education, etc.
  • Trauma Relief Training Programs: Many people are living in agony due to negative experiences at a point in their lives and are afraid to speak out of fear of stigmatization. Traumas as a result of rape, domestic violence, natural disasters, severe illness or injury, death of a loved one, etc.

Edapi is currently partnering with Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC), Bowen University, Iwo (BUI), Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Youths off the Street Initiative and Juhst-Intents International. Edapi is also discussing with several other partners in other to meet the needs of the people.

Conclusively, we are pleased that Edapi has come to stay and to impact lives. We are very much open to partnerships with any organization that have similar goals with ours and are ready to work with us in alleviating poverty, youth empowerment, peace initiatives, bridging the divides across religious lines etc.

Article by Omolola O. Oyinlola